for organisations in search of support for their leadership teams

Can we help you as an executive sounding board?

Are you looking to support your leadership team in tackling complex issues? We are happy to help you with that and offer an external sounding board for key profiles in organisations. Indeed, individual coaching can help people gain a better understanding of themselves and how they function within the organisation, and thus cope better with complex challenges at work.

How we can make a difference

We have years of experience in the corporate world and know the challenges associated with complex roles like no other. We can relate well to the experiences and thinking of people in key roles and can quickly connect with them. Moreover, we have strong listening and empathy skills, ask critical questions and give honest advice.

Our offer

We come to your organisation and work very personally with your employees in key positions. We guide your key profiles in terms of personal growth, act as an external sounding board for them and assist them in their professional challenges.

Through the various conversations we have on an individual basis, we also discover common patterns or frictions in the 'system' of the organisation itself. Over time, we synthesise from those experiences and hold up a mirror to your organisation. In this way, we are an external sounding board that helps you dare to look at your organisation differently.

Multiversity is a recognised service provider of the 'kmo-portefeuille' for training and advice. Together with you, we examine whether your organisation can call on this for our services.

Case Study

The managing director of an organisation was out of action for six months. The challenge during this period was to get the leadership team together with the executive committee to lead the organisation. Through individual sounding board conversations, we supported the members of the leadership team and the executive committee. From those conversations, we brought systemic challenges to the fore, helped to create space for structural dialogue, to allow all perspectives to be considered and to put the bigger picture at the centre, making the team stronger and enabling it to reach workable and supported decisions.

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