Our purpose


We live in a rapidly changing and complex world. To make complexity manageable, we as humans have a natural tendency to simplify our view of reality. This leads to thinking in boxes with the main goal of being faster and more efficient. This way of thinking is deeply ingrained in human beings and therefore omnipresent in all professional, educational, cultural and other systems. 

However, today's challenges force us to transcend the boundaries of existing boxes and to explore new connections. To arrive at sustainable solutions, there is a need for the capacity to see things from multiple perspectives and to critically examine prevailing beliefs and one's own assumptions. There is an increasing necessity to be able to think and connect across existing boundaries and transcend apparent contradictions.


Multiversity searches for the essence of people and organisations. Who are you? Who do you want to be? And how can you realise that? Our focus is on complex organisational contexts and complex profiles - the multiversalist. We introduce new frames of thinking, transcend boundaries, create new connections and in doing so offer leadership and a sounding board that dares to think differently.

Our approach for individuals

Multiversalists have a talent for quickly grasping the bigger picture, for being able to see many perspectives, for embracing contradictions, and coming up with new solutions. At the same time, they are the ones who suffer first from contexts infused with thinking in boxes. We help multiversalists in their own growth process, in their search for more meaning in their active lives, in liberating and bringing new ideas to life and in connecting with like-minded people. 

Our approach for organisations

Multiversity helps organisations who face complex challenges. We support both organisations that want to shape their future and those that are stuck or in transition. Dialogue is at the heart of our approach. We guide and support organisations in transcending apparently conflicting visions, creating support, exploring new possibilities and arriving at an aligned view. We do this based on various possible (combinations of) roles, depending on the situation within an organisation.  

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